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LEO: "Ted, did you ever watch the old "Alfred
Hitchcok Show"?"
TED: "Yeah.
LEO: "Did you ever see the episode The Man from
Rio, with Peter Lorre and Steve McQueen?"
TED: "I don't think so."
LEO: "Oh, you'd remember it all right. In the show,
Peter Lorre makes a bet that Steve
McQueen can't light his cigarette lighter ten
times in a row.

Now if Steve McQueen can light his
cigarette lighter ten times in a row, he wins
Peter Lorre's new car. If he can't he loses
his little finger.

Norman and Chester just made the same bet. Norman's putting up
his pinky against Chester's mint convertible, 1964 red convertible Chevy
Corvelle that he can light his Zippo ten times in a row."

It is about how Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino described the game in the movie “4 Rooms.” In the present game, the player has the same task - to light a lighter. There are 7 chance levels to choose from depending on how lucky you are in real life: either full time loser, Al Bundy, ugly woman, absolute beginner, poker hero, loto millionaire or destiny’s lover. Soundtrack as well comes from Tarantino’s movie - it’s Combustive Edison’s “Vertigo.”

© Heiko Unt - 2001, e-mail:
Cirkus - Visual Communications